A comprehensive list of changes published to the API reference

4th September, 2024


Added support for Narrator Generation.


  • Added narrator to the request body of POST /pub/v1/generations.
Example request
"narrator": {
  "image_asset_id": "ast_xxxxxxxx",
  "video_asset_id": "ast_xxxxxxxx",
  "audio_asset_id": "ast_xxxxxxxx",
  "script": "Thank you for trying Narrator",
  "voice": "Rachel"
  • Changes to the response in the following existing endpoints:
  1. Generate Media POST /pub/v1/generations
    • images renamed to media
    • image_size renamed to dim under data→media
    • type added under data→media
  1. List Generations GET /pub/v1/generations
    • images renamed to media under data in response.
    • size renamed to dim under data→media in response.
    • type added under data→media in response
    • image_id changed to media_id in Query Parameter